Your Study Programme is designed around you and your career aspirations. We will work with you to develop an individualised programme to meet your needs and prepare you for your next steps after College. Here’s how it works…

Your Study Programme and Tutorials

You will choose a Vocational programme matched to your career aim. This programme will be tailored to your personal goals and focused on developing the essential technical skills, experiences and knowledge needed for your chosen industry. Our courses are highly practical and your progress will be assessed through a range of methods which may include observations, theory-based tests and some exams. This is to ensure you can demonstrate the skills and knowledge that employers and universities alike are looking for.

Whichever course you choose, you will be taught by industry experts within your field, who are experienced, knowledgeable and up-to-date with the latest industry practice. They will provide you with one-to-one support throughout your time with us and will help to push you to achieve your goals.

The College has invested heavily in industry facilities and equipment to support you in gaining relevant and specialist skills for your chosen career field. Whichever course you choose, you will learn in a professional and inspiring environment, practising the skills required in your industry, building your skills, confidence and knowledge to impress future employers and universities.

Work Placement
All of our Vocational programmes include work experience linked to your career aspirations as an essential part of your course. These placements are aimed at expanding your knowledge and skills and gaining a deeper understanding of your chosen career. For some courses you may get the opportunity to take part in an extended Industry Placement, where you’ll spend additional time to a normal work placement learning ‘on the job’ in the workplace. You’ll benefit from professional mentoring and gain impressive knowledge and skills for progression into the industry. Some of our students have managed to secure full-time employment and Apprenticeships with their employer from their Industry Placement.

You will have support in finding your placement through your tutors and our dedicated Careers Team.

Alongside your course, you will be encouraged to participate in a range of extracurricular activities, to help you develop career and life skills, and to support your health and wellbeing. There is a wide range of extracurricular activities on offer ranging from sport and leisure activities, to trips and visits, community projects, charity fundraising, health and wellbeing events and more!

This is all designed to make sure you get the most out of your College experience, as well as supporting applications to university, employment and Apprenticeships.

Industry Links
The College has excellent links with industry. We work closely with a wide range of employers both locally and further afield, providing you with exceptional opportunities to engage with industry professionals. Opportunities may include employer mentoring, working on client briefs, mock interviews with employers, industry events and skills competitions.

We also run a wide range of Industry Careers Days where various industry leaders visit the College to share their knowledge and experience. You will have the opportunity to ‘ask the experts’ questions about their field, as well as being inspired by their journeys and gaining advice to help you achieve your goals.